Faculty of Health Sciences
Faculty of Education and International Studies
Body, Learning and Diversity
BLEST - sustainability, play, aesthetics and technology
Challenging Picturebooks in Education: Rethinking Language and Literature Learning
Classroom Research
Cooperation between school - working life – and university
Language and Learning Environment in Early Years - ECEC to Primary School (SAMBA)
Cultural Diversity and Multilingualism in a Global Perspective
Development, Power and Inequality
Digital Learning Arenas
Educational leadership
Evaluation and Assessment (EnA)
Interpreting, Language and Communication
Kindergarten Teacher, Professional Qualification and Educational Research
KunstForsk – Arts-based- and artistic research
Leadership and Organisational Development
Lifelong Learning
Methodological un-twinings with kindergarten-and research studies
Philosophy, Art and Culture
Professions and Professional Ethics in Early Childhood Care (ProfEt)
Research and Development Work on the Lower Primary Level With a Focus on Initial Education
Small Children, Large Cities: Kindergarten Qualities, Inequalities, Communicative complexities
Special Education and Inclusive Practices (SpecInc)
Sustainability, nature, health, and movement
Task Design in Mathematics Education
Teacher Education as a Process of Bildung
Sustainability and Technology in Work and Learning
Text and Disciplinary Didactics
Vocational Education and Training in Transformation (VETT)
Learning, mastery and qualification in a diversity perspective
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Technology, Art and Design
Centre for the Study of Professions (SPS)
Consumption Research Norway (SIFO)
Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (NIBR)
Norwegian Social Research (NOVA)
Work Research Institute (AFI)