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12-year-olds (non-)belonging on social media: Practices, places, and people
PhD project aimed at understanding how Oslo youths from different backgrounds use social media to create a sense of belonging.
A Fair Chance? How Geography Shapes Life Opportunities (FAIR)
The project addresses how the spatial context in which people live during different stages of their lives shape their life prospects and socioeconomic outcomes.
A Life Course Perspective on the Gendered Pathways of Exclusion from Social Relations in Later Life, and its Consequences for Health and Wellbeing (GENPATH)
GENPATH is an international European research project focussing on social exclusion in later life.
A Multidimensional Approach to Social Exclusion in Later Life – Health Consequences for Ageing Populations (AMASE)
The overall aim of the project is to enhance research-based knowledge on the multidimensional nature of old age social exclusion and its consequences for health and to identify conditions that minimize social exclusion of disadvantaged groups.
A Study of Cases in the County Board Concerning Care Orders
The project deals with the Child Welfare Service’s and the County Social Welfare Boards’ handling of compulsory care order cases in ethnic minority families.
ACCESS Life Course Database: Upgrade and Expansion
Through the ACCESS Upgrade infrastructure, researchers and students will gain access to updated and upgraded longitudinal life course data for more than 11,000 men and women born between 1922 and 1966.
Accommodation of Regional Diversity in Ukraine (ARDU)
ARDU's main goal is to produce knowledge of how ethnicity, language and regional-local identity work in the context of political reform in Ukraine.
Active Ageing – Pathways and Outcomes (AgePaths)
This project investigates pathways and outcomes of active ageing in three domains and their interactions: the labor market, civil society, and the family.
Activity Friend for Persons with Dementia
The project addresses what role the "activity friend" volunteers play in municipal health care and for people with dementia in Norway.
Adolescent Physical Violence. Understanding Societal Trends and Life Outcomes for Perpetrators
This project covers the use of violence among Norwegian adolescents and is financed through the Domestic Violence Research Program at NOVA.
Adolescents in Oslo in the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic
The aim of the study was to map young people’s everyday life and quality of life, and how they experience the COVID-19 pandemic while they were still subject to strict restrictions.
Against All Odds?
Why do some care leavers end up doing well as young adults, against all odds? What does "doing well" mean to young women and men, with majority backgrounds? These are questions we seek to investigate in this project.
Age-friendly Housing Solutions – A State-of-art Report
This project addresses examples of age-friendly homes for older people, as well as obstacles municipalities and housing developers encounter during the phases of planning and building such housing solutions.
The goal of the research is to reduce the burden of dementia by developing novel, AI-based tools.
Algorithmic Governance and Cultures of Policing: Comparative Perspectives from Norway, India, Brazil, Russia, and South Africa (AGOPOL)
This project will produce knowledge on the ways in which advances in artificial intelligence shape policing in different cultural, political, legal and economic contexts.
Amazing grazing
Amazing grazing will bring new knowledge on how sheep rangeland grazing systems can be part of sustainable food and fiber systems.
Ambulance workers’ assessment of self-determination and capacity to consent
The aim of this PhD project is to investigate ambulance workers' knowledge and experiences to assess the right to self-determination and capacity to consent in prehospital meetings with patients with mental health illnesses and/or drug-related issues.
Applying Artificial Intelligence in Developing Personalized and Sustainable Healthcare for Spinal Disorders (AID-Spine, part I)
We use machine learning methods to develop and validate prediction models for health and welfare outcomes after treatment for spinal disorders.
Area Review of Housing Solutions and Health and Care Services for the Elderly
How can the state and municipality more effectively facilitate elderly people to age in place?
Artificial intelligence - a novel tool in assisted reproduction technology
The project aims to improve the methods for selecting sperm and embryos and increase the chance of pregnancy and live-born children.
Artificial intelligence - a novel tool in assisted reproduction technology
The project aims to improve the methods for selecting sperm and embryos and increase the chance of pregnancy and live-born children.
Assessment for Learning in Citizenship Education (ALiCE)
The project aims to develop a framework for assessment, with a focus on formative assessment, in the context of citizenship education across Europe.
Bacterial components and their effect on energy metabolism in human skeletal muscle cells
Obesity and type 2 diabetes are associated with changes in gut microbiota and disturbed energy metabolism. Is there a crosstalk between gut bacteria and host energy metabolism?
Baltic UKH urban knowledge hubs – Transformative societal spaces for hybrid libraries in the Baltic sea region
The aim of the project is to provide public authorities and others with tools and methods for the participatory design of accessible and attractive informational spaces and services.
Better adherence of antibiotics through academic detailing of community pharmacists
The purpose of this PhD project is to assess whether Academic Detailing is suitable as an intervention method for pharmacy pharmacists in the subject of antibiotic treatment and resistance.
Better Provision for Norway's Children in ECEC
A major Norwegian study in on the quality and effectiveness of ECEC.
Beyond access: improving quality of early years reading instructions in Ethiopia
The objective of the project is to improve the quality of education for primary grades in Ethiopian schools.
Birth experiences and breastfeeding in women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
The overall aim of the project is to explore childbirth experience and breastfeeding in women with PCOS.
Blocking of stimulus control and the conditioning of new reinforcers
How can social consequences be established as conditioned reinforcers in children with autism, and what can challenge the establishing?
Brain activation during gait and balance
The human body is a biological marvel in many ways.
Can Motivational Interviewing facilitate return to work in sick-listed people with musculoskeletal disorders? (MI-NAV)
We aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of Motivational Interviewing on return to work among sick-listed people due to musculoskeletal disorders.
Can responsible investment induce sustainable corporate behavior? Evidence from the worlds largest equity investor
Can responsible investing help to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals?
Care orders from a parental perspective
The main purpose of this study is to develop knowledge about child welfare care orders.
Caring for Children with Disabilities
The research project will investigate whether children with disabilities have their fundamental rights safeguarded in encounters with the health and care service.
Causality, complexity and evidence in pharmacovigilance
Detecting unknown adverse reactions of marketed medicines is challenging and needs improved methods to assess causality, as well as improved quality of clinical observations.
CENSU - Climate Change Energy Sustainability
CENSU is a Norwegian-Tanzanian-Mozambican university collaboration within education and research which focuses on sustainable gas extraction and governance in the context of vulnerable communities and climate change.
CEOs Personal Risk Attitudes and Corporate Financing and Investment
This project studies to what extent firm policies are affected by managers’ personal assets allocation, asset allocation, and founders' opportunity cost.
Challenging the design principle of mixed-worded questionnaire scales
The project focuses on the design principle of combining both positively and negatively worded items in questionnaire scales.
CHANGE: Environmental systems shift in clothing consumption
In CHANGE, we will investigate what is most essential to reduce the environmental impact of clothing: reduce the amount of clothing that is produced, acquired and disposed of.
Changing Drug Use and Drug Policy
The project aims to provide new insights into young people's patterns of alcohol and illegal drug use, the social meaning of drugs, and the consequences of drug-related sanctions.
Child Protection and Pluralism
The aim of the project is to evaluate the effects of a communication campaign about Norwegian child protection services.
Child Welfare in Norway 1990-2011
A register data study of Norwegian child welfare clients.
Child Welfare Institutions for Young People with Drug Addiction and Separate Institutions for One Single Young Person
The project investigate the child welfare institutions for young people with drug addiction and separate institutions for one single young person.
Child Welfare Services and Risk Assessment
The project investigates how the child welfare services work on risk assessment and safety measures when a child is placed outside the home.
Child Welfare Services and their Work With Cases of Violence and Abuse
This project aims to fill the knowledge gap about how the child welfare service tackles violence and abuse cases.
Children with a Refugee Background – Measures for Inclusion and Belonging (Barnfluk)
The project aims to discover the experiences children and young people who come to Norway as refugees have with the settlement and integration process, and how municipalities work with this group.
Children's Level of Living: The Impact of Family Economy for Children's Lives
The aim of the project was to explore how income influence different aspects of children's lives.
Choosing wisely: Assessments of treatment for patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain
We aim to gain new knowledge about physiotherapists and GPs' assessments of the choice of treatment for patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain.
CIRCULAR: Collaborative innovation of circular economy
Transforming the economic system from a linear to a circular economy is critical for realising a sustainable society. Circular-project asks: What are the main governance factors driving the co-creation of an innovative circular economy for reduced consump
Cities confronted by protests: Democratic governance for efficient and socially just climate transformation (DEMOCLIM)
DEMOCLIM explores new democratic governance methods in the design and implementation of effective and socially just climate policies that emerge in the face of climate protests in four Scandinavian cities; Oslo, Bergen, Stockholm and Gothenburg.
Classroom activities for the six-year-olds – 20 years on (Klassprax_20)
The project investigates and evaluates the classroom activities of six year old children.
Climate change and ecosystems management in Malawi and Tanzania
A project to strengthen research capacity and capabilities in institutions in Malawi and Tanzania.
Clinical pharmacology of antiseizure medications
Pharmacological treatment is challenging and needs individualized monitoring.
Co-Creation: Expectations, Challenges and Coping Strategies in Norwegian Local Governments (ECCO)
This research project aims to unravel the expectations of Norwegian local governments to the introduction
Co-occurrent pain and psychological distress: From adolescence to adulthood
The project will provide new insight into the long-term consequences of early onset co-occurrent pain and psychological distress.
COIL in Deaf Studies and Sign Language
Establish a basis for a sustainable system for a Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) module in deaf studies and sign language. COIL can be described as virtual student and staff exchange as a strategic tool for internationalization of the c
Combining Work and Care for Older Parents (CoWorkCare)
The primary objective of CoWorkCare is to generate knowledge on how employees' care obligations for their old parents affect their labour market participation.
Complementary Pathways for Adult Refugees: The Role of VET, Skills and Qualifications
The aim of the project is to increase the evidence base which can support policy- and decision-making in EU MS in designing and implementing complementary pathway mechanisms for admission of adult refugees from a first host country to an EU country throug
COMPRESSED − A longitudinal study of compressed work schedules within the health, care and welfare services
With increasing need for more workforce in the healthcare-sector, the offers of the future is reliant on how we precure sufficient staff and maintain the health of the workers.
Computer gaming – an inclusive youth arena?
This PhD project will explore the potential for computer games as an arena for inclusion in youth.
Consequences of the Pandemic for Living Conditions and Equality
In this project we will investigate the consequences of the pandemic for living conditions for children and young people, equality in families and for individuals, including children and adults with disabilities.
CONTEXT – Creating Integrated Person-centred Care in Different Settings
This project addresses how settings and contexts which enhance people-centred care can be created.
CONTRA – Conflicts in transformations
CONTRA explores how institutionalising productive conflict can increase the transformative capacity needed in the transition towards more sustainable cities.
Coping with Flexibility. Behavioral Adaptations to the New Pension System and their Consequences in a Lifetime Perspective
The aim of this project is to study how people adapt to the reformed pension system. In particular, we look at adaptations to the increasing flexibility offered – both in terms of savings, and in terms of job planning and ways of combining work and pensio
Cosmopolitan Turn and Democratic Sentiments (CONSENT)
CONSENT is a large bilateral project between Norway and Romania. The main objective is to investigate empirically, both in Romania and Norway, to what extent the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) is considered to be relevant when developing poli
COST ACTION: CLIL Network for Languages in Education (CLILNetLE)
CLILNetLE aims to develop a shared conceptualisation and research agenda for the investigation of bi/multilingual disciplinary literacies in CLIL.
Crisis Management in a Polycentric Nordic Local Democracy: Different Governance Structures – Different Results? (POLYGOV)
The overall goal of the project is to identify the differences in the Nordic countries’ handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and the outcomes thereof and to relate these differences to policy, governance, organisation and management.
Critical perspectives on work integration of immigrants
The project focuses on how work inclusion may improve the social inclusion of migrants within comparative urban settings.
Critical thinking in primary education
KriT is an interdisciplinary project aiming at developing educational models for critical thinking in primary education using children’s literature and news.
Crossbow: Crossing and Managing Boundaries between Work and Non-Work – Co-creating Healthy Teleworking
In this project we aim to map, explore and understand the opportunities and challenges of telework, and to contribute to enhanced organizational preparedness for healthy, sustainable and productive teleworking.
Crosscare-Old: A Cross Sectoral Approach to High Quality Healthcare Transitions for Older People
The project aims to increase the understanding of the role of cross-sectoral factors that constitute barriers for high quality care transitions for older people from hospital to municipal care.
DARE – Dialogue about Radicalisation and Equality
The project investigates how young people aged between 12 and 30 respond to messages and agents of radicalisation.
Darkness on the horizon? Exploring the response to contestation of trade policy in Europe
Free trade is under pressure. Fear of job losses and growing inequality has given rise to calls for protectionism and economic nationalism.
Decisions on contact between parents and children in child welfare care measures
The main purpose of this study is to develop knowledge on how child welfare employees and County Social Welfare Boards assess and justify the organization and extent of contact between children, siblings and parents after a care measure.
Decoding digital media in African regions of conflict (DDMAC)
The key goal of DDMAC is to gather empirical evidence defining and demonstrating the use, spread, content, and agenda-setting role of social media in regions of conflicts in sub- Saharan Africa.
Democracy, Equality, Learning and Mobilisation for Future Citizens (DEMOCIT)
The aim of DEMOCIT is to partake in reducing a growing civic empowerment gap within Norwegian democracy.
Democratic Urban Development in the Digital Age (DEMUDIG)
The DEMUDIG project investigates the extent and influence of citizen participation through ICT and social media in urban governance.
Descendants of Immigrants and the Concerned Welfare State
This project examines the ongoing, relational negotiations between the welfare state and the public's understanding of problems, on the one hand, and processes of change in the minority population, on the other.
Designing an intelligent gamified solution for treatment of scoliosis among children and adolescents
This PhD project focuses on understanding needs of youth with idiopathic scoliosis and to examine how the needs can be improved by using a digital solution – e.g. a smartphone application.
Designing an intelligent personalized vest for scoliosis brace to improve treatment and monitoring of scoliosis in adolescents
The project will design an intelligent personalized vest for scoliosis brace with wearable sensors.
Developing ICT in Teacher Education (DiCTE)
The overarching aim of the project is to develop ICT in teacher education.
Development of a care pathway for patients with hand osteoarthritis
The project aims to increase our knowledge of the current hand osteoarthritis pathways, the context and mechanisms for shifting tasks between health actors and care levels.
Development of a less polluting, automated façade system connected to the building management system
An innovative project offering a CO2-reducing, remote façade maintenance system that will contribute to green change both nationally and internationally.
Diet, gut microbiota and metabolic regulation
We study the effects of dietary fat quality and fiber on metabolic regulation, and explore the association between diet, gut microbiota, and metabolic regulation.
DigiGen – The Impact of Technological Transformations on the Digital Generation
DigiGen aims to develop knowledge about how children and young people use and are affected by the technological transformations in their everyday lives.
Digital and navigation health literacy for people with long-term conditions
The overall aim of this project is to gain knowledge about health literacy among people with long-term conditions.
Digital follow-up of patients with type 1 diabetes in the specialist health service (DigiDiaS)
This project aims to increase knowledge about user-guided treatment and digital tools in the follow-up of patients with type 1 diabetes at an endocrinology outpatient clinic.
Digital Nordic Borders
Our project investigates the tensions between Nordic openness and security that characterize surveillance practices at the Nordic borders, with a particular focus on new forms and tools of digital surveillance.
Digital Prism and the Nordic Model of Workplace Democracy under Pressure (DigiWORK)
Big data and artificial intelligence are radically transforming the ways in which we work, are hired and fired, managed and led. This project investigates the effects of digital transformation of work on the Norwegian model of workplace democracy and trip
Digital Sexual Violence against Children and Adolescents
The project will, in a comprehensive literature review, map existing knowledge about digital sexual violence against children and adolescents.
Digital vulnerabilities at home (PhD project)
PhD project about digital vulnerabilities from internet connected devices at home.
Digitalisation of student activity through group work (Digigroups)
In this project, we will study facilitators for successful digital group work.
Direct and Indirect Costs of Disabilities in Children (BUDGET)
The research project addresses the costs aspects of caring for a child with a disability.
Disability and Disease during the 1918 Influenza Pandemic: Implications for Preparedness Policies
A global influenza pandemic is imminent and public health preparedness plans that address the needs of vulnerable populations are indispensable.
Disadvantaged in the Housing Market: Effects of Public Interventions (DISADVANTEGED)
This project aims to evaluate all major social housing policy instruments in Norway, aimed at helping disadvantaged individuals to better and more stable housing.
DISCo: Digital infrastructures for sustainable consumption: Redirecting, reorganizing, reducing and reimaging consumption
DISCo aims to produce knowledge on how consumption can move in a more sustainable direction by applying digital technologies.
Discrimination of Muslims in the Labour Market
The topic of this project is the discrimination of Muslims in the labour market.
DWARF - Drinking Water Readiness for the Future
This project will predict the future trends in Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM).
Early COVID-19 wave in Norway: Social inequality in morbidity, compliance to non-pharmaceutical interventions and labour marked consequences (CorRisk)
Pandemics like COVID-19 are among the most pressing global threats to human life and economic security. The core idea of CorRisk is that infectious disease pandemics created by influenza or corona-viruses have always been more than just a medical problem
Edible Cities Network: Integrating Edible City Solutions for social resilient and sustainably productive cities
The Edible Cities Network (EdiCitNet) works towards making cities around the world better places to live through the implementation and institutional integration of Edible City Solutions.
Educators and learners meet artificial intelligence
This project is dedicated to exploring both teachers' and students' perspectives on the implementation of artificial intelligence in an educational context.
Effect of fiber-rich cereal products on metabolic regulation in people with gut symptoms or coeliac disease
We investigate the effect of cereal fiber on gut symptoms, gut microbiota, and metabolic regulation in people with coeliac disease or gut symptoms.
Effects of reinforcement on behavioral variability
The effect of reinforcement and extinction on behavioral variability and the effects reinforcement and punishment have on rule-governed insensitivity.
EGREEN+ – European Green Mastery
Sustainable European competence certificates for landscaping, gardening and floristry.
Emigration from today’s Norway: Who, why, and how does it shape Norwegian society? (EXITNORWAY)
Little is known about those who emigrate from Norway today, why they leave, and how their emigration affects Norwegian society.
Empowering youth and co-creating social innovations and policymaking through youth-focused citizen social science (YouCount)
YouCount will, through co-creative youth citizen social science (Y-CSS), with youth aged 15 to 29 years as citizen scientists, produce new knowledge of positive drivers for social inclusion of youth at risk of exclusion, as well as create innovation and n
Enabling Ageing in Place (AgePlace)
In this project the researchers aim to generate new knowledge on the precondition for safe ageing in place.
English as a Lingua Franca For Inclusive Multilingual Classrooms (ENRICH)
ENRICH aims at developing a high-quality Continuous Professional Development infrastructure.
Enhancing child’s right for the participation in child protection assessment (COMPENCA)
This project focus on the child´s right to participate in child protection assessment and decision-making.
Equality and Multiculturalism
A comparative study of Norwegian and Dutch processes of alterity and identity.
The project aims to give more women access to technology, digital skills and leadership positions.
Erasmus Mundus Design Measures: MA in Applied Deaf Studies
The MADS project has a view of setting up a new European joint master’s programme in applied deaf studies.
European Labour Market Under Pressure – New Knowledge on Pathways to Include Persons in Vulnerable Situations (Paths2Include)
PATHS2INCLUDE will expand our understanding of the multidimensional aspects of labour market discrimination, the impact of different policy frameworks, and the gaps and possible need for change on various levels in order to detect mechanisms and processes
EUROSHIP – Closing Gaps in Social Citizenship. New Tools to Foster Social Resilience in Europe
The overall aim of the EUROSHIP project is to provide an original and gender-sensitive assessment of the current gaps in social protection across Europe.
Evaluating the Ombudsman against Bullying
NOVA is responsible for a research-based evaluation of the regional ombudsman office.
Evaluation of 'Robust Youth'
The main aim of the project is to evaluate 'Robust Youth' which is a program designed to being preventive and promote better health among youth.
Evaluation of a Pilot Project on Integrated Accommodation for Women and Men in a Crisis Center
An evaluation of the pilot project: Integrated accommodation for women, men and children at Romerike crisis center.
Evaluation of minority counsellor pilot projects in upper secondary schools and adult learning centres
NOVA researchers will evaluate two pilot projects placing minority counsellors in secondary schools in vulnerable urban areas and adult learning centres.
Evaluation of Norwegian Barnahus
This project is a national evaluation of the Norwegian Barnahus model.
Evaluation of Ritual Circumcision of Boys (RITOM)
This evaluation shall produce research-based knowledge on whether the Norwegian law on ritual circumcision of boys functions according to its purpose.
Evaluation of the Children's and Family Agency's arena flexible team for child welfare
The project will generate knowledge that can shed light on whether the Children and Family Agency's arena-flexible team is functioning as intended and whether there is a need for changes in the measures.
Evaluation of the EWC’s Schools for Democracy programme in Ukraine
The Project aims to conduct a mid-term evaluation of the EWC’s Schools for Democracy programme in Ukraine (2021-2024).
Evaluation of The Government’s Annual National Integration Conference
The evaluation is an effort to establish whether the conference has reached its goals both with regard to the final conference and its preliminary, regional meetings.
Evaluation of the The Grant Scheme for Humanitarian Measures to Arriving EEA Citizens who Subsist as Beggars
NOVA was commissioned by the Ministry of Justice and Public Security to evaluate activities and measures for arriving EEA citizens who subsist as beggars.
Evaluation of the «National strategy Housing for welfare 2014-2020»
The evaluation of "National strategy Housing for welfare 2014-2020" will assess the development of housing social work in the municipalities during the strategy period: what has improved and what are the challenges?
Exit and effective reintegration of violent extremist in Scandinavia
The project develops new knowledge and generates research competence to promote exit processes from violent extremism and reintegration into the society.
The objective of the project is to increase the knowledge about the oldest workers and their experiences, as well as how companies handle work exit and the change in mandatory retirement age.
Explaining Social Patterns in Sickness Absence: the Influence of Values, Attitudes and Norms (SAVAN)
The project aims to study the influence of values, attitudes and norms on sickness absence.
Exploring Quality of Maternal and Newborn Care in Palestine (EqualMatPal)
This PhD project will utilize mixed methods to explore the quality of care provided to new mothers and their newborn children in Palestine
Exploring the built environment microbiomes of Norwegian nursery schools and nursing homes
We spend much of our lives indoors where we interact with building microbiomes. We have developed methodologies to identify the microbes to which target groups are routinely exposed.
Extracellular vesicles as signaling factors from skeletal muscle cells
We research the role of extracellular vesicles as secreting factors from skeletal muscle, what they contain, and whether they can affect other cells.
FALLPREVENT: Implementation of evidence-based, fall-prevention programmes in the health care services: Quality, competency and effectiveness
In this project we aim to develop and test an innovative user-based programme for the implementation of falls-prevention programmes in Norway.
Family Care and Labour Market Participation in Senior Years (FamLab)
The main research question in this project is: What characterizes the interplay between labour market participation and engagement in family care for men and women with parents in need of care, and what are the conditions affecting adjustments within the
Family Counselling: Equal Services for a Diverse Population?
The researchers investigate what it implies for the family services to provide equal services in different local contexts, and what kind of challenges the services experience when trying to provide equal services.
Family Partner – Co-development, Implementation and Evaluation of a Child Maltreatment Prevention Intervention
The Family Partner project seeks to improve the services directed at the most vulnerable group in society; children growing up at risk of maltreatment.
Far-right Politics Online and Societal Resilience (FREXO)
The FREXO project investigates how online media affect the mobilizing capacity and the broader societal and political impact of far right politics.
FeLT- Futures of Living Technologies
From a perspective of ecological crisis, FeLT engages in the relations and intersections that occur between human beings, living environments and machines.
Fetal monitoring in women with low risk of complications (LISTEN)
The LISTEN project performs research about fetal monitoring during labour and birth, in healthy women with low risk of complications.
To support the European Commission in the development and implementation of the FOOD 2030 policy framework and its action plan, FIT4FOOD2030 aims to establish a sustainable multi-stakeholder, multi-level platform, mobilizing a wide variety of stakeholders
Flex-IT – A mixed-method study of cross-domain information technology use in everyday life
The emergence of new technology has increasingly blurred the boundaries between work and family domains, and the consequences for the health and productivity of the labor force remains unknown. These contradictory perspectives make it important to underst
Flipped classroom in science education (FiNa)
Flipped classroom in science education (FiNa) aims at developing and investigating learning design based on digitally supported flipped classroom in order to facilitate student active learning.
Follow-up research of "Sport for all in Oslo"
In this research, NOVA at OsloMet, in collaboration with the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, evaluate the program «Sport for all in Oslo» from its inception in 2018 until 2024.
Follow-up Research – Living Conditions, Upbringing and Education. Area Studies in Loddefjord and Olsvik
The theme of this project is the process and implementation of an area initiative in the Municipality of Bergen.
Food security among refugees and asylum seekers in Norway
The aim of the project is to investigate the prevalence of food insecurity and factors associated among asylum seekers and refugees in Norway.
Food2Gather: Exploring foodscapes as public places for integration
FOOD2GATHER investigates the roles food play in creating public spaces, shaping opportunities for communication and relations between places and the peoples that inhabit it.
FOOdIVERSE: Diversifying sustainable and organic food systems
The purpose of the FOOdIVERSE project is to produce practice-oriented knowledge on how diversity in diets, novel food supply chains and food governance contributes to more organic and sustainable food systems.
FoodLessons: Culinary Heritage as a Resource in Developing "Food Nation Norway 2030"
This project will take a closer look at how a revitalization of our culinary heritage can be used in business development and value creation.
Frequent callers to the Norwegian emergency medical communication centres
The purpose of this PhD project is to increase knowledge about so-called "frequent callers" to the emergency medical communication center (EMCC).
From Boys to Men: Diverging Developments of Masculinity with Varying Consequences? (FRAGMEN)
What are the characteristics of masculinity and masculine practices in contemporary Norway?
From Settlement to Adult Life. A Study of the Service Chain for Unaccompanied Minor Refugees
The research project will provide up-to-date knowledge about the services offered to young refugees who have come as unaccompanied minors and who have achieved residency in Norway.
FUSILLI - Fostering the Urban Food System Transformation through Innovative Living Labs Implementation
Through experimental methods and knowledge sharing, researchers will explore new ways of producing and distributing food in European cities. OsloMet and the municipality of Oslo are Norwegian partners in the project, which has been supported by Horizon 20
Gender equality, Diversity and Societal Security
This project empirically and theoretically explores how increasing levels of diversity in the personnel of Nordic security forces (military, police and security organizations) relate to changing perceptions of trust and security, both within these organiz
Gender, citizenship and academic power - GAP
GAP will investigate how globalization and internationalization influence the gender balance in research and higher education.
Gender, Youth and Leisure
This project explores gendered patterns in youths’ leisure activities.
Global Care Workers in the Norwegian Welfare State: Care Chains, Intersectionality and Social Capital
In this project, attention is drawn to the careers of two groups of migrant care workers in Norway, nurses and au pairs, to the structures that have formed their careers, as well as to the impact on the care institutions of recruiting care workers from ab
GoNano: Governing Nanotechnologies through Societal Engagement
Aligning future nanotechnologies with societal needs and concerns.
GoodAnimal: Animal Welfare for Sustainable Futures
GoodAnimal’s primary objective is to acquire knowledge that will mitigate threats and increase opportunities for sustainable farm and industry practices.
Governing the green shift in Oslo, Gothenburg, Copenhagen and Cape Town (GreenGov)
The GreenGov research project aims to create new and exciting knowledge about the challenges and dilemmas public leaders face in managing the green shift in Oslo, Copenhagen, Gothenburg and Cape Town.
Government responses to high influxes of protection seekers
A comparative analyses of eight European countries' responses in 2015/16 and 2022/23
Green Revisited: Encountering Emerging Naturecultures
The main objective is to develop a platform to shape and popularize an emerging “naturecultures” paradigm via the arts.
GreenLeAP: Environmental policy change in Latin America
Most countries have hard-to-abate “Achilles heel” sectors for domestic environmental action. In Latin America these are large export-oriented primary industries, like fossil-fuel extraction, mining, and industrial agriculture.
Growing Up and Looking Forward (GULF) - Young people with bodily impairments in transitions
The purpose of this project is to obtain new knowledge about adequate ways of collaboration between youths, their parents, and service providers in health- and welfare services in transition to adult life.
Hand hygiene, infections prevention, and antibiotic use in nursing homes
The purpose of this study is to increasing adherence with hand hygiene, contributing to the reduction of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and reducing the use of antibiotics in nursing homes.
The life cycle of hate crimes: Patterns, responses and consequences
Health technology in homebased palliative care for children (CHIP homeTec)
We will conduct an investigation of aspects relevant for the design of digital solutions to support communication for children, families and healthcare personnel in homebased palliative care for children.
Health-promoting initiatives towards youths’ mental health
Mental health challenges are increasing in the young population. How can different sectors work together to prevent mental health challenges in this group?
Healthcare Access in Rural Border Regions. Realizing Patient Rights Across European Borders (HARBOR)
The overall aim of the HARBOR project is to develop an integrated approach of cross-border interactions and access to health care in European border regions, and to rethink healthcare planning across border regions.
Healthy Eating: Utopia or a Contemporary Must
The project explores the questions of healthy eating, obesity, and the influence of advertisements on consumption of food by adolescents and young people in Norway and the Czech Republic.
Healthy Food at the Sports Arena
The aim is to assess the selection of foods and beverages at children’s sports arenas in Norway and to identify facilitators and barriers to offer healthy food at the sports arena.
Heterogeneous Investors and Asset Allocations
In this project, we study how Norwegian households respond to monetary policy changes.
HEYoung intervention study
The project will co-develop an intervention with end-users and conduct the initial stages of a full-scale RCT on the effectiveness of a person-centered intervention for adolescents with persistent pain.
HIRE? A Mixed-method Examination of Disability and Employers Inclusive Working Life Practices
Employers' understandings of disability as well as their broader knowledge and skills are likely to influence their risk assessments and hiring practices. HIRE? aims to fill this knowledge gap.
Holistic approach to increased student exchange in early childhood education (HETBLU)
The HETBLU project aims to strengthen the culture for internationalization and increased student exchange at early childhood institutions.
Hospital at home for children
The overall aim of this study is to improve competence and collaboration skills among nurses in order to secure high quality health services when advanced hospital treatment is moved to the patient’s home.
Housing Market and Housing Policy in Norway – an International Comparison
In this project the researchers compare central features of the Norwegian housing market and housing policy with those of Sweden, Denmark, Austria, UK, the Netherlands and Germany.
Housing Market Mobility in Old Age: Attitudes, Drivers and Barriers
The project adresses how elderly people adapt their housing consumption in light of the physical and mental changes associated with ageing.
HOUSINGWEL – Centre for Housing and Welfare Research
HOUSINGWEL aims to be a hub for research on housing and welfare in Norway.
How do Norwegian Festivals Contribute to Artistic Development, Social Communities and New Forms of Political Participation? (FESTIPOL)
The overall aim is to investigate how support from the Arts Council Norway help Norwegian festivals to reach broader political aims related to artistic development, political participation and social community formation in practice?
How Do We Provide Better, Safer and More Cost-Effective Pathways for Older People?
The project addresses how the spatial context in which people live during different stages of their lives shape their life prospects and socioeconomic outcomes.
How does welfare conditionality affect political participation?
Since the 1980s, modern welfare states have witnessed several waves of conditionality-based reforms. It is part of a bigger trend of welfare state changes where the governance of welfare shifts from a passive towards an active approach.
How Has Covid-19 Affected Norwegian Youth?
The project investigates how the covid-19-pandemic have affected Norwegian youth.
How is e-learning utilized in Norwegian municipalities?
This project investigates how e-learning is implemented and utilized in organizations.
Humanitarian Report 2019: Between the Welfare State and Voluntary Work
This project aims to give a comprehensive picture of what services are available for certain vulnerable groups in Norway.
Hybrid Deep Learning Cellular Automata Reservoir (DeepCA)
DeepCA is a long-term time horizon project seeking the integration of biological and artificial intelligence.
HYPERION project
HYPERION will produce a comprehensive tool to assess threats of climate change in tandem with other natural hazards to cultural heritage sites.
IMAGINE – Contested Futures of Sustainability
When you think about the future, what do you imagine? Flying cars, tubed food, or high-tech clothing might be among the images that come to mind. IMAGINE sets out to study these images of the future as imaginaries. Imaginaries are the many ways in which w
IMaT – Inclusive Mathematics Teaching: Understanding and developing school and classroom strategies for raising attainment
This project aims to strengthen mathematics teaching in Norwegian primary and lower secondary schools.
Immigrant lives in Norway over time and place (SITUATE)
SITUATE aims to understand how immigrants draw on and actively refer to their integration experiences as they situationally understand time, place/space and changing identity with reference to their personal integration trajectories.
Immuno-microbial signatures in colorectal cancer
The project aims to define immuno-microbial signatures that can be used for non-invasive detection of colorectal cancer and pre-cancer stages.
IMPART - Indigenous representation in majority-based parties
The IMPART project studies majority-based political parties as arenas for Indigenous political activism, through the case of the Sámi people in Norway and Sweden.
Implementing a Teaching Module Combining Quality Improvement, Evidence-Based Practice, and Knowledge Translation at an Interdisciplinary Master’s Program – QUALIMP
In recent years, the demand for evidence-based practice has increased in health services.
Improving aquaculture sustainability by modulating the feed-microbiome-host axis in Fish
The ImprovAFish project takes a transdisciplinary approach to address critical knowledge gaps related to the feed-microbe-host-axis in Atlantic salmon aquaculture production.
Improving personalized treatment in health care for lower spine disorders
The aim of the study is to deepen the understanding of how patients with lower spine disorders, general practitioners (GPs), physiotherapists and hospital doctors make decisions about treatment.
Improving practices together (IMPRATO)
We will explore and develop knowledge about collaboration aimed at promoting participation in physical education for children and young people.
Improving trust-based management in Nordic urban governance and management education
This project explores how ongoing management reforms are conceptualised and put into practice in two Nordic cities.
In-service training to improve the preschool classroom environment for children with special needs
The limited amount of training provided to staff in preschools poses a challenge in implementing evidence-based practices.
Including Children and Young People in the Voluntary Service
The purpose of this project is to look into how well different groups of young people are included in the volunteering, and what tools organisations and authorities use to include these young people.
Inclusive education in Nepal – a study of governance networks in selected municipalities
The main purpose of the project is to identify the characteristics of management networks that are effective in contributing to inclusive education.
Income Dynamics and Housing Allowances
In this project, we aim to supplement the knowledge of the role non-taxable incomes play in the budgets of low-income receivers of housing allowances.
Income inequality in professional and vocational occupations
This project will contribute more knowledge on the consequences of occupational regulation for income inequality within and between occupations.
Inequalities in Ageing Well and the Significance of Transitions in Later Life (TRILL)
TRILL addresses the impact of later life transitions on opportunities for ageing well.
Inequality in Youth – A Qualitative, Longitudinal Research Database
Inequality in youth is a qualitative, longitudinal research database on youths in Norway, intended to be a parallel to the quantitative Ungdata surveys.
Innovative, sustainable public procurement of food and catering services
The project enables the participating public organizations to try out new and innovative public procurement strategies and practices.
Integrated Assessment of Climate Change in an Unequal World of Uncertain Economic Growth
A central policy question is to what extent climate change should be mitigated by abating green-house gas emissions? Conversely, how much damage from climatic change should be accepted? To guide this decision, economists use integrated assessment models o
Integration or return for Ukrainian refugees? (NOR-RETIN)
Will I ever go home? Will they ever return?
INTERACT - Interprofessional Interaction With Children and Youth
The aim of the project is to provide the students with knowledge about and experience of interprofessional cooperation.
International Civic and Citizenship Education Study 2016 (ICCS)
The ICCS 2016-study investigates students’ knowledge and understanding of societal values, civic society and political systems.
International COVID-19 Student Well-being study
With this study, we intend to investigate how changes due to the COVID-19 outbreak may have impacted your well-being and health.
International student mobility: drivers, patterns and impacts (MOBILITY)
The project examines how Norwegian policy in this area is shaped by international trends, and the extent to which foreign students contribute to 'internationalization at home'.
Iodine status in different population groups
This project investigates iodine status in vulnerable population groups such as children, young women, vegans, pregnant women, and the elderly.